terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2008
Obs: As respostas estão em inglês.
Agent Quiz respostas:
Being mean or rude
Report them
Saying their address
I want to keep Club Penguin Safe
I want to help other penguins
OBS!: Elas devem ser colocadas igual a ordem acima!
Agora de ”log off”(para dar log off,clique na palavra log off no canto direito da tela).Quando você der log off,você sairá do Club Penguin,então entre de novo e veja se você possui o”Spy phone” no seu inventório(Inventory).Você só terá o Spy phone se tiver respondido as perguntas acima na ordem que está lá.
Tours Quiz:
P:Which color of puffle can catch fire?
P:In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
R:boiler room
P:Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the back ground?
R:pet shop
P:How does the pink puffle play?
R: Skips with a skipping rope
P:What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?
R:the Viking helmet
P:How many sled racing tracks are there?
R: 4
P:Which room has a cuckoo clock?
R:ski lodge
P:How do you get a pin?
R:walk on top of it
P:Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
P:What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?
R:The Migrator
P:What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of bean counters?
R:A flower pot
P:What day does the newspaper come out?
P:What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?
P:Which of these games has a shark in it?
R:Jetpack adventure
P:How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?
P: pergunta
R: resposta
(Obs:As repostas não estão em ordem, mas estão corretas!)
By Bocopi!
Para não Passar Mico no Cp:
Créditos: Waz'ee ......... hppfpokemondpbr
Como ficar parado no meio do caminho:
-Clique em um caminho;
-Clique rapidamente no seu mail;
-Espere 5 segundos;
-Feche o Mail.
Dançar no Sled Racer:
-Vá na montanha;
-vá em um sled racer vazio;
-aperte em sim ou yes;
-aperte D.
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